Indigo: The Color of Our Times
In recent months, I have had a recurring vision of a powerful figure, indigo in color. This figure had such strength. It stood tall and strong, and spoke its truth by simply being who it was–fully integrated and moving forward as other lesser energies simply fell away. Its strength and focus was such that, although appearing like the title character in the film The Iron Giant, it did not need to fight. It simply “would not allow.” How appropriate a message, in light of recent world events where our thoughts of personal and world peace have been challenged. This figure with its total lack of fear was…
New Symbol For World Peace
Creating peace and healing worldwide is achievable. Everything that we create and experience starts from a single point inside us and is projected out to the world through our two eyes perceiving black and white, good and bad, etc. Meditators and physicists alike are establishing the existence of multiple dimensions (11 according to quantum theory) which co-exist in the totality of time and space. What we do here in this dimension has an affect on the other dimensions and vice versa. Perhaps our biggest challenge has been how to make changes that can be effective at all dimensional levels preventing recurring patterns surfacing from deeper dimensional levels of…