The Symbol


The Symbol


The beauty of this symbol is that it carries a complete language of reciprocal frequencies, divinely directed, balancing, making whole, restoring to the highest potential at all levels of being. Whatever you put with it–color, oils, herbs, etc.–is translated and balanced for each layer of our being when needed. Rarely is any event in our lives simple. Often it is our judgments and emotions that create stress, affecting our health, relationships, and sometimes even our jobs and incomes. These are all different layers of our being and experience, each one trickling down to the next.


The beauty of divinely directed healing is it seems to know where to go, in what order and at what speed–always in the way that is best for us. We are simply partners in the process, which means we must have a willingness to take divine direction and use the tools we have been given to reach our highest potential. Real healing takes into account all levels of our being, including the dimensions creating what manifests at other levels. I refer to this type of healing as spiritually holistic. It also includes this physical realm and the use of many tools and options available to support it. The process just works faster, easier, and more completely when all dimensional bodies have been addressed and made whole in relationship to the issue. For this I have found the symbol to be helpful.


Next: What The Colors Do