Crystal Clearing Cloths
Our fabrics create an energy field, they may be:
* Carried in a pocket or placed on the body
* Placed under food and water
* Used to clear crystals, oils and vitamins * Harmonize and raise energy of other objects
* Used to send remedies and affirmations long distance
5” x 7” – Choose: gold or turquoise /gold – $24
[wp_cart_button name=”5×7 Crystal Clearing Cloth Item 1″ price=”24″ var1=”VARIATION-Color|gold|turquoise”]
Item 2
[wp_cart_button name=”5×7 Crystal Clearing Cloth Item 2″ price=”24″ var1=”VARIATION-Color|gold|turquoise”]
5” x 5” – Choose: gold or turquoise /silver – $15
[wp_cart_button name=”5×5 Crystal Clearing Cloth Item 1″ price=”15″ var1=”VARIATION-Color|gold|turquoise”]